Email sequences serve many different functions, not least nurturing your audience, building trust, increasing sales, and retaining clients. They can be used by all types of businesses to send personalised messages to different audience segments.

Below is the first email in a community engagement sequence I’ve written. This sequence was designed to both encourage participation and create excitement around the launch of clean energy supplier, Hope Energy. Please feel free to contact me for more samples.

Here is what the client had to say about working with me on this project…

“Not only Tash write the beautifully crafted e-mails, she helped us define our 'voice' and 'tone' - and then wrote using both, which came across so clearly. This is NOT something we could have done on our own, and so I cannot stress enough that anyone and everyone looking to write to consumers really does need a copywriter. And for my money, you'd be hard pushed to find anyone better than Tash.

The process itself, just like the first time we worked with her, was so smooth and easy. After an initial exploratory meeting, she then produces several drafts which we review and iterate each time until we get to where we need to get to. We even had a little bit of a change of tactic part way through which she was able to manage seamlessly for us.

The results speak for themselves: we have increased our followers nearly five-fold so far with Tash's help, and the engagement we got from our e-mail campaign far exceeded typical e-mail campaign 'benchmarks'.

On top of it all, she's just super, lovely and fab!”

Andy Caulton, Founder & CEO - Hope Energy

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: UPDATE: There is hope for the future!




Hello from Hope Energy!


Earlier this year, you took the time to complete our survey. Thank you very much! The insights you provided, along with hundreds of other respondents, have been a huge help.


After submitting your answers, you said that you would like to be kept in the loop on our progress. So, here we are with our first update.


Quick question before I dig into our news: Would you like to do more to protect our planet without changing your lifestyle?


Who wouldn’t, right?


As you’ve probably heard, the latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report stressed that the world isn’t moving fast enough to ensure we don’t breach the 1.5˚C global warming limit. Top scientists agree, if we don’t stay below that, it’s extremely likely there will be catastrophic consequences for both people and the environment. The recent floods, fires, droughts, and other natural disasters around the world are a stark warning of what’s to come.


But the science says, if we act now, there is still hope.


And that’s what Hope Energy’s all about.


We have decided to take bold, ambitious action to cut our country’s carbon footprint by being:


 The greenest energy supplier the UK has ever seen!


 I’m going to explain how we’ll achieve that, but first here’s a quick intro to who we are…


[photo of Andy & family]


I’m Andy, and this is my young family. I head up the team here at Hope Energy.


The others in our company are just like you and me: regular, everyday people who are worried about their future, the future of their friends and family and the future of millions of others across our planet. We are basically a bunch of friends (who also happen to be talented senior professionals, if we do say so ourselves) determined to do all we can to make a positive impact on the climate crisis. Given the experience we have, we believe the best way we can do that is through Hope Energy.


Hope Energy will be the greenest energy supplier in the UK by far, making it easier for you to massively reduce your carbon footprint.


But this journey is not just about us and you…


93% of respondents to the survey you completed said that they wanted to make a meaningful impact on fighting climate change. 73% said that – as part of doing that - they wanted to get their energy from the greenest energy supplier on the market.


In response, we’re creating a community of like-minded people interested in building a more hopeful future AND having a say in what their ideal green energy supplier should look like.


Of course, there’s also the current energy crisis to talk about too.


So, over the next couple of days, I’m going to send you 3 – 4 emails (nothing spammy, I promise!) explaining what we are setting out to achieve and how you can help.


Plus, you’ll get:


  1. a free checklist to help you figure out exactly how planet-friendly your current energy provider is,

  2.  an exclusive sneak peek at Hope Energy’s secret (green) sauce, and…

  3. the opportunity to have your say and play a significant role in shaping the Hope Energy community (seriously, we promise to listen to everything you tell us!).


Sound good?


Great! I’ll be back in your inbox with your free checklist later today.


Rather not get the freebie or take positive carbon-reducing action? No problem. All you need to do is click the “Unsubscribe” button at the very bottom of this email. You’re welcome back any time.


Don’t want to unsubscribe?


That’s the spirit! I look forward to sharing more with you soon.


But first, I need my second cuppa…




Andy Caulton  

Founder & Director


Landing Pages & Lead Magnets


Thought Leadership